Band Listing Click header text to sort, or begin typing below to search Click on the band name to see a list of associated events (opens in a new tab) Band Name In-Game Contact Anga Wen Gribb Animal House Wickedjfc or Nightmagic Axe of the AnduÃn Njallr Bards, Beers and longBeards (BBB) Beorbrand Billy and the Sock Puppets Xeneral Blue Mountains Band Omali Brandywine Theatre Company Khae Bree-land Bywater Revival Vydor Cacophany Danniwyn or Taurfae Calibogue Sound Snarald Caput Draconis Ellisandree Country Bear Jamboree Rothariel Deja Vu Lisseren Diamonds in the Rough Makktwuk Die Harfenschalgs Alegrio Dominion of the North Saeldhrien Dragon Forge Khae or Tahnys Drunken Knights Gilibrad Dulcet Tones Pontin East of the Sea Erlindol Ellasstics Ellasse Fleurs de Lumiere Fjamee Full Mithril Chainmail Octaive Fuzzy Waters Fuzzywuzzme Galdwen's Bunch of Misfits Galdwen Goblinfyre's Essence of Rhythm Ludwic Green Hill Music Society Snarald Grey Haven Guard Aervagor Hammer Time Krispian Harlequins Layriena or Bierht Indigo Plant Phoenixa Justus Marqus Kaoss & Ruin Kaoss Katerica & the Squirrel Girls Katerica Leezard Kings Avangrod Les Beaux Chapeaux Fincin or Premini Les Cailloux Magdariel Little to No Drama Miazine Lute of the Froom Elamond Mardi Gras Party Band Kenghis Melodies of the Night Nightmusic Ministar Orladan Mondbarden Tunvil Moonshine Wanderers Vethlo Mushroom Stew Saja Musica Banditos Rothariel New Horizon Orsuil or Araquiel Notenzauber Palwyn Ohrwurm Reganilda Old Winyards Tulenn or Mornawen Outta Tune's Music Company Celebrius Pecking Order Honeyysuckle/Boingus Pie Cult Elamond Playwrights of Eldamar Nyarinde Plucky Strings Lonewolfen or Jaydenwen Pools of Ivrin Magross River Daughter Gypsysoul Scallyrat’s Rum Pirate Band Loeci or Lilacrose Sisters of Moonlight Medeanu Six Orc Heads Tyr/Mari or Kilemkwiker Skarn Halgoreth Starlight Calanne Sword & Rose Avangeline The Alemen Eldbryt The Arda Strovar The Bagshot Rowettes Rowenna The Blues (Lady & Mr.) Zacandil or Erjeon The Country Bluegrass Band Dawlen The Cupcakes Pocita The Fluffy Unicorns Hannariel The Freekies Freemark The Gallic Frogs Band Aerelwen or Vercingetoric The Grayhawke Band Grayhawke The Kallalas Kallalalala The Merry Company Merivael The Stoors Agii or Rothariel The Teedees Teedeegrowl The Wandering Bards of Evernight Handif The Wee Free Banshees Fersinda Tickle & Giggles Miazine Troll Finger Kordytimus or Loredondal Warders of the Weald Hoppa or Balifor Watambu Mabassah Wild Mill Szorcha